Postponed 2020 edition info
After the 195th/2020 Decree related to the State of Emergency imposed on the country of Romania and further actions that have gone into effect following decisions made by the National Committee for Special Emergency Situations,
Considering Military Commands and regulations recommended by the State Minster of Finance, the Economics and Social Protection Minister, the Secretary of State and Resolution nr. 6/2020 pertaining to extra measures for limiting the spread of Covid19,
Taking into consideration Resolution 6 from 03/06/20, issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs – Emergency Situation Department, which forbids the organizing of meetings and public and private events, to better contain Covid19,
Considering the need to continue to provide adequate protection against COVID-19 disease, even after the cessation of the state of emergency,
And considering the provisions of Emergency Ruling nr. 70 from 05/14/20,
“VI. Measures taken to offer support for the cultural events industry in the current coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 epidemic situation
(1) As an exception to the consumer rights guaranteed for entertainment contracts, as stipulated in Emergency Ruling nr. 34 from 06/04/14, including changes to and completion of normative acts, for events and festivals to be organized from March 8th until September 30th, 2020, or in a time frame wherein the organizing of events and festivals are suspended, if the event takes place after the above mentioned dates, the organizers should abide by the following Rules:
(2) The organizer is compelled to offer a time frame of at least 30 days for the ticket buyer to decide whether he/she will participate at the postponed festival in 2021 or if the value of the ticket is to be turned into a voucher/shopping coupon. After the announced 30 days have passed, the ticket is automatically valid for the postponed event or festival edition.”
Because of the challenges we are faced with in the current epidemiological situation, we would like to act responsibly and jointly with all festival goers and those on the festival team, and we want to continue with the 4th edition of the festival, which will take place in July 2021.
1. What has changed? What will happen?
ALL Artists that have been confirmed for the 2020 Open Air Brezoi Blues Festival line-up are confirmed for the 2021 line-up …and because we could not enjoy #BrezoiuLumii (Brezoi World) this year, next year we will treat ourselves to 6 festival days … two more than were planned this year! The 4th annual edition is to take place July 20th – 25th 2021. The main acts announced for the 2020 line-up will ALL take part in the 2021 edition in the exact same planned weekdays (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday). We will further announce the line-up for the extra two festival days (Tuesday, Wednesday) soon.
2. What happens with the tickets bought for the 2020 Open Air Brezoi Blues Festival?
The Festival and Camping Passes already bought for the 2020 Open Air Brezoi Blues Festival are valid for the postponed 4th annual edition in 2021. All festival passes will be valid for the extended 6 day event in Brezoi with no additional costs.
All Camping Passes are valid from the 19th until the 26th of July, 2021. This means that you can come to camp a day earlier and you may stay until the day after the Festival ends!
The festival and/or camping pass buyer who paid for the ticket(s) before May 26th, 2020, and who cannot participate at the 2021 edition of the Open Air Brezoi Blues Festival, for whatever reason, will have the possibility to ask for a full refund from June 1st until June 30th, 2021. The refund must be redeemed only at that time, during the full month of June, 2021 and is only permitted through the same ticket agencies that sold the passes.
3. Festival and Camping Fees?
- General Access Festival Pass 303.92 lei + ticket agency fee valid until June 30th, 2020;
- July 1st – December 31st 2020 : General Access Festival Pass: 350 lei + ticket agency fee
- January 1st – June 30th 2021: General Access Festival Pass: 400 lei + ticket agency fee
- After July 1st, 2021: General Access Festival Pass: 450 lei + ticket agency fee
- General Access Camping/RV Pass 40 lei + ticket agency fee up to and including June 30th, 2020
- From July 1st, 2020 until the point where the maximum capacity is reached: General Access Camping/RV Pass: 50 lei + ticket agency fee
Children under 13 ENTER FREE if accompanied by a ticket paying Adult.
General Access = The FULL duration of the Festival.