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Louis King

2025 Show

𝐀 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐑𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐚𝐛𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲-𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐭 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐀𝐢𝐫 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐳𝐨𝐢! 

Because he’s touring Europe...

Because we couldn’t miss the chance to reunite with an old friend...

Because we all need a solid dose of rockabilly-blues...

Coming all the way from Australia, we proudly present Louis King

Join us for an unforgettable musical experience at Open Air Blues Festival Brezoi 2025, July 22-27!

#BrezoiBlues2025 #RockabillyBlues #LouisKingLive

About artist

Louis King

Louis King “The King of the Rockabilly Blues”

Louis este în topul scenei muzicale Roots din Australia încă de la primul CD, lansat în 1996.

Stilul original al compozițiilor ce comină blues, Rock’n’roll și Rockabilly  a fost remarcat de experți la nivel mondial precum Billy Pennell, T.V Weeks Jeff Jenkins, “Biblia” din SUA „Blues Review”, precum și revista Rolling Stone.

A fost în turnee în toată Australia, incluzând toate festivalurile importante, cum ar fi festivalul East Coast din Golful Byron de 5 ori, precum și festivalurile Bridgetown Cairns și Broadbeach Blues.

De asemenea, a fost în turneu în Europa de 5 ori, concertând la Great British Blues Festival, Kwadedamme Blues Festival din Olanda și Festivalul The Screamin din Spania.

În 2017 a concertat în S.U.A. la prestigiosul festival Viva Las Vegas.

Artiștii au făcut coveruri după melodiile lui Louis, printre ei fiind și fiul preferat al New Orleansului, Rockin’ Doopsie Junior, The Flattrackers și chiar Doug Mulray și au fost, de asemenea, incluse în coloana sonoră a unui film produs la Hollywood, precum și în emisiunile TV australiene Packed to the Rafters și Underbelly.

Trupa a cântat în deschiderea unor artilti mari precum B.B King, Buddy Guy, Jimmie Vaughan și Screamin' J Hawkins.

Muzica sa este un amestec periculos de piese Blues și Rockabilly originale, iar performanța scenică un amestec de Outback Roadhouse” și „Glasgow Pub Dance”.

Shows Archive

2023 Show

Rock n Roll just the way it should be.

Tommy McEwan has been a full time musician and fixture in the Australian music world, since he came to notoriety as a young drummer in The Rubes in the 1980’s. He played in well known Aussie acts like the Straight 8’s and No Nonsense , as well as backing musician stints with touring acts Deke Dickerson,Starliners,The Detonators ,and has even played drums for The UK’s Extrordinaires,.

Tommy has been at the top of the Roots music scene in Australia since his first CD as Louis King was released in 1996. His original mix of Blues, Rock’N’Roll and Rockabilly songwriting style has been noted worldwide by luminaries such as Billy Pennell, T.V Weeks Jeff Jenkins, the U.S Blues bible “Blues Review’, as well as Rolling Stone magazine.

He has toured all over Australia, including major festivals such as the East Coast Festival in Byron Bay five times, as well as Bridgetown Cairns and Broadbeach Blues festivals.

He has also toured Europe six times, performing at the Great British Blues Festival, Kwadendamme Blues Festival in the Netherlands and The Screamin’ Festival in Spain. 2017 saw him perform in The U.S.A at the prestigious Viva Las Vegas festival as a guest at Deke Dickersons Guitar geek Festival.

His songs have been covered by artists including New Orleans favourite son Rockin’ Dopsie Jr, The Flattrackers, Cherry Divine ,and the UK’s Summertime Kings, and also been included in the soundtrack of a Hollywood movie in conjunction with Australian television shows Packed to the Rafters and Underbelly. His band has been the featured support act for B.B King, Buddy Guy, Jimmie Vaughan and Screamin’ J Hawkins to name a few

His 8th and brand new CD of his original tunes ‘Lonesome Town’, was released in March 2020 . The Album is a follow up to ‘Standing in the Sun’ His Love letter toThe Sun Studio’sThe Album features the talent of legendary musicians Like Ezra Lee ,Mike Miller ,and Dave Cantrell.


2019 Show

Louis King “The King of the Rockabilly Blues” was born in Scotland and raised on the road in Australia .

He has been at the top of the Roots music scene in Australia since the first CD was released in 1996 .

He has performed at all the major festivals in the country, including the East Coast Festival in Byron Bay 5 times, as well as Bridgetown ,Cairns and Broadbeach Blues festivals.

Louis King has also toured Europe 5 times,performing at the prestigious Great British Blues Festival.

In 2013 he again toured Europe and was a featured artist at The Screamin’ festival in Barcelona ,as well as the famous Kwadedamme Blues festival

His 5 Original CD’s have gained awards from ARIA Nominations, to The Age’s ‘Album of the Year’.